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Url Encoder And Decoder Tool

Hey guys welcome to the blogs of  Tech Era , So today we are back with a stunning script in blogger which will Encode and Decode the Url Link.As we know today fraud has increased due to fake link,this tool will analysis the link.If you found the link is correct then use the link otherwise not.This tool is very helpful to you as to save you from fraud. As we are using whatsapp,facebook,instagram..etc,these types of app then there is a chance that you may receive a link from an unknown source,if this happens then decode the link from this tool and safe ourself from being fraud So here in this blog we will learn how to setup a website which will Encode and Decode URL. After completing website setup it is necessary to do the   SEO   setting,as seo will help you website to rank. So below are the steps for setuping site in blogger, follow them and start  Earning  from your tool site.

HTML Ordered And Unordered List

  Hey Guys welcome back to another blog of techera  ,In this blog you will be able to learn about the type of list tags that can be used in a html webpage,while creating menu items in our website we use these list.

HTML Tags Used For Text Formatting

  Heading Tag In HTML we can use heading tags in six different domain from h1 to h6. HTML affords now not solely simple paragraph tags, however six separate header tags to point out headings of a number of sizes and thicknesses. Enumerated as heading 1 via heading 6, heading 1 has the greatest and thickest textual content whilst heading

HTML Basic Introduction

  Introduction To HTML HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) uses a markup system composed of elements which represent specific content. Markup means that with HTML you declare what is presented to a viewer, not how it is presented. 

How To Make Attractive Resume Only In HTML

  Hey Guys Tech Era Blogs Are Again Back With An Exciting Blog,In This Blog We Will Learn How To Make Resume Only In Html.In Your School Or College Teacher Mainly Give This Project In Html.Here You Will Also Learn How To Make Buttons in Html.In Html Resume We Will Also Integrate a Print Button So That You May Take The Print Out Of Your Resume. Below You Can Also See The Video Tutorial Of Making The Html Resume Or You May Follow The Steps Also.

How To Make A Ludo Gaming Website In Blogger

 Hey everyone we are back with an amazing script for blogger.This is a gaming script after set uping this script in blogger the website will became as a LUDO gaming website.All steps for setup-ing the website are below you may easily make this amazing site.And give a surprise to your family and friends by telling that this website belongs to you. You may easily edit this script as it is copyright free.You may do some modification and use as owner.If you have knowledge of html/css then it would be much easier to you and the complete video tutorial is given below you can also watch it. If your site grabs the web traffic then you may apply for google adsense and your earning will start. Last thing is that after setuping the site it is must required to do the SEO ,so that it may rank in google.

How To Make Word Counter Tool Website In Blogger

 Hey guys welcome to the blogs of  Tech Era , So today we are back with a stunning script in blogger which will count the words in a text or in paragraph.This tool will also detect the number of sentences,paragraphs and will also show the top keywords from the text.It Is completely free of cost. So here in this blog we will learn how to setup a website which will count word from text. After  completing website setup it is necessary to do the   SEO   setting,as seo will help you website to rank. So below are the steps for setuping site in blogger, follow them and start  Earning  from your tool site.

How To Make Tool Website In Blogger To Convert Any Image Into Webp Format

 Hey guys welcome to the blogs of Tech Era , So today we are back with a stunning script in blogger which will convert any type of image into webp format.As we know that images are in jpg,jpeg,png..etc format.But now a days on internet webp format is widely used as image format because in webp format image size is very small and the quality of image is high.So that is a reason why we are now using webp format images. So here in this blog we will learn how to setup a website which will convert image into webp format . After completing website setup it is necessary to do the SEO setting,as seo will help you website to rank. So below are the steps for setuping site in blogger, follow them and start Earning from your tool site.

Learn How To Make Diwali Wishing,Blogger Viral Script Website 2020

 Hey guys as we know that on next week diwali is comming,So today i am providing you free blogger script for Diwali Wishing ,you can easily set up the below script in blogger and add your ads on it and share with your family friends and relatives.And you can earn lots of money this diwali.

Learn How To Make Logo Maker Tool Website In Blogger

  Hello guys today we will make a tool website in blogger which will generate / create / make Logo,  As we know that now a days every one is switching their business from offline to online.So their initial requirement is to make a logo.This tool site will grow fast as it generate logo and favicon completely free of cost.After set uping site if you get adsense approval then your earning will be started.

Learn How To Make Keyword Generator Tool Website In Blogger

Hello everyone,today we will make a tool website in blogger which will generate keywords.As we know that now a days everyone wants to be online.Like opening a youtube channel or writing blogs, making website or apps, So it is neccessary to be have a unique name for their blog or youtube channel or anything else.So the website which we are creating will generates unique word for us.In this website you will have to enter a word and then click on search button then it will automatically generate the keywords belonging to that word.It is completely free,So Let start making site.

Learn How To Make Bank Detail Finder Website In Blogger From IFSC Code

  Hello everyone, as we all know that in india there are many banks,some of them are private banks and some of them are government,Even in our city there are n numbers of bank,And in present time bank account is neccessary to everyone for savings,To open a bank account it is neccessary to know the details of bank so today we will make a website in blogger which will give complete details of bank after entering the IFSC code of that bank.After set uping your site please do its SEO setting,to rank it in google search engine.

Learn How To Make Voice To Text Converter Tool Website In Blogger

 Hello Everyone And Welcome Back To TECH ERA ,Today We Will Make A Tool Website In Blogger,Which Will Convert Our Voice To Text. This Website Is a Tool Website It Does Not Require Any Updation In Future.You Have To Only Setup The Tool Script In Blogger And When Traffic Start Comming To Your Site,Then You May Purchase A  Domain and Then Apply For Google Adsense And Start Your Earning. Most Important Thing After The Setup Of Script In Blogger You Have To Do Customization So That It May Rank In Google. Click On The Below Links To Learn How To Do Them S EO Setting In Blogger-:                CLICK HERE How To Make Pages In Blogger-: CLICK HERE How To Do Earning In Blogger-:  CLICK HERE How To Index Your Blogger Website In Google-: CLICK HERE

Learn How To Make Instagram Image And Video Downloader Website In Blogger

   Hello everyone,as we all know that INSTAGRAM is a social media site,In which we can upload aur images,videos also we can promote our Bussiness in this platform but we can not download the images or video which we like.In this platform we can not download the images or video in our phone.           So guys this problem is solved we will now make another website in blogger through which you can download any images or videos in instagram you like.

How To Make Contact Us Form In HTML Only

Hey Everyone Below Is The Source Code Of Contact Form in Html.You can Copy This Source Code And Modify According To You. HTML CODE <!DOCTYPE html> <html>     <head>         <title>CONTACT FORM</title>     </head>     <body><br>         <h1 style=text-align:center>Contact Form In HTML</h1>          <form><br>     <table>       <tr>           <td>             &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbs

How To Make Webpage Using HTML Only:-

 HTML CODE -::- <! DOCTYPE   html > <html lang="en"> <head>     <meta charset="UTF-8">     <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">     <title>MY First HTML Webpage</title> </head> <body background="laptop-3173613.png" vlink="red" alink="blue">     <h2 align="center"><font face="lato" color="#DAA520" size="6">TECH ERA</font>         &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;         &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;         &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;         &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;          &nbsp;&n

Blogger New InterFace Tutorial

Hey Everyone As We All Know That Google Has Introduced New Interface Of Blogger ,And Those Who Have Started Blogging, And Facing Problem While Doing Work In Blogger,So Do Not Worry I Have Created Tutorial Of Blogger New Interface For You. The Complete Tutorial Is In Video Format,I have Uploaded The Tutorial In My You Tube Channel  TECH ERA  ,Each And Every Thing Is Explained Step By Step,You Will Easily Understand.   Watch The Tutorial Now By   Clicking   Below Links Blogger New Interface Basic Introduction:- Watch Now Blogger Advanced SEO Setting:- Watch Now Learn How To Customize Blogger Post:- Watch Now Learn How To Create Pages In Blogger :- Watch Now Learn How To Add Share Buttons Of Social Media In Blogger :- Watch Now Learn How To Remove Footer Credit Link Of Blogger :- Watch Now How To Insert Push Notification And Subscription Bell Icon In Blogger :- Watch Now How To Make Sitemap Page & How To Edit Layout Section In Blogger :- Watch Now How To Save Our Content From Bein

How To Make Registration Form In HTML

Registration Form In HTML -: Below is complete code in HTML for making a Registration Form,First of All Visit My You Tube Channel TECH ERA ,after Watch Video copy the Whole Code In Our Text Editor And Modify According To Your Self . HTML CODE < html >     <head>         <title>Registration Form</title>     </head>     <body>         <h1 style=text-align:center>Registration Form In Html</h1>         <form>             <table>                 <tr>                     <td>                         Name:                     </td>                     <td>                         <input type="text" placeholder="Name" name="">                     </td>                 </tr>                 <tr>                     <td>                         Phone Number:                     </td>                     <td>                         <input 

Generation's Of Programming Languages

Introduction -: A programming language is a language which specifies certain syntax (rules) to write programs which a computer can understand to perform a specific operation. Person who writes a program is known as programmer. A program is a set of instructions. Programming is process of writing programs Programming Language Generations -: 1stGeneration: Machine language. 2ndGeneration: Assembly language. 3rdGeneration: High-Level programming Languages,such as C, C++, andJ ava. 4thGeneration: High-level programming languages closer to human languages. 1GL Machine Language Used in first generation computers. Also called asBinary language. It is a collection of binary bits. Computer can understand only machine language. OpCode          Operands 000  010  011  101 Advantages of 1 GL Machine level programs execute very quickly because no translation program is required for the CPU. It requires no translator to translate the code. Dis-advantages of 1 GL Programmer has to remember codes o

Computer Software And Operating System

Software -: A software is a collection of a number of modules. A module is a collection of a number of programs. A programs is a collection of a number of instructions. Software is similar to as a soul in a human body. Without software computer hardware can’t be operated by human being. It is an intangible components of computer system Need of Software -: To start / boot the Computer-: software is required to start the computer. (OperatingSystem) To make the hardware devices function-: software provide an interface to hardware devices.(DeviceDrivers) Computer Performance-: System tools are required to monitor computer performance,debug problem.To perform any specific task i.e. entertainment, documentation etc. Types of Software -: (1-) System Software :-  As the name suggest this is a software module which governs the functioning of overall computer system. Designed to control operation and extend processing capabilities of computer system. Without system software user cannot opera