- A programming language is a language which specifies certain syntax (rules) to write programs which a computer can understand to perform a specific operation.
- Person who writes a program is known as programmer.
- A program is a set of instructions.
- Programming is process of writing programs
Programming Language Generations-:
- 1stGeneration: Machine language.
- 2ndGeneration: Assembly language.
- 3rdGeneration: High-Level programming Languages,such as C, C++, andJ ava.
- 4thGeneration: High-level programming languages closer to human languages.
1GL Machine Language
- Used in first generation computers.
- Also called asBinary language.
- It is a collection of binary bits.
- Computer can understand only machine language.
OpCode Operands
000 010 011 101
Advantages of 1 GL
- Machine level programs execute very quickly because no translation program is required for the CPU.
- It requires no translator to translate the code.
- Programmer has to remember codes of all characters and operations.
- It is very hard to change or find errors (bug) in a machine level program (debug).
- It is machine dependent.
- The programmer has to know details of hardware to write program.
- Instructions written in a machine language can be very lengthy
2 GL Assembly Language
- It was used in second generation computers.
- It is a mnemonic form of machine language.
- A program can be written by using simple words instead of 0’s and l’s.
- These alphanumeric symbols are known as mnemonic codes For ex-ADD 25,46 and SUB 75,10.
- An Assembler program is required that reads the assembly language program and converts it into binary form.
Advantages of 2 GL
- Assembly language is easier to understand w.r.t .machine language.
- It can be easily used as compared to machine language.
- It is easy to find and correct errors in a program
Disadvantages of 2 GL
- This language is also very difficult and needs a lot of practice because there is only a little English support in this language.
- Assembler program must be available in RAM.
- Like machine language,it is also machine dependent.
- Two machine from different manufacturer may have different mnemonics to perform same operation.
3 GL High Level Language-:
- A program is written in English-like language.
- Higher level languages are machine independent and programming becomes quite easy and simple.
- Programs written in high-level languages is the source code which is converted into the object code (machine code) using translator software like interpreter or compiler.
- Ex of high-level languages are C,C++, Java, PHP, Visual Basic, Perl, Python etc.
Advantages of 3 GL
- High level languages are easy to design and understand.
- Portable and user friendly.
- No need to remember the corresponding Binary equivalent code
- Programs are easier to write, read or understand in high-level languages than in machine language or assembly language.
- It uses English vocabulary and well-known symbols
- Errors can be easily located
Disadvantages of 3 GL
- A high-level language has to be translated into the machine language by a translator, which takes up time as well as memory.
- Execution time of a HLL program is long because program is converted into machine readable format.
- Translator must be available in memory.
4 Generation Language-:
- Programmer is required to specify “what” only and need not to worry“how”it will be done.
- Requires only to mention the query.
- Ex: SQL Structured Query Language, Matlab etc.
- Reduces programming effort.
- Contributes in fast software development
- Reduces the cost of software development
Below Three program Code Are In different Programming Languages.
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