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Computer Software And Operating System

  • A software is a collection of a number of modules.
  • A module is a collection of a number of programs.
  • A programs is a collection of a number of instructions.
  • Software is similar to as a soul in a human body.
  • Without software computer hardware can’t be operated by human being.
  • It is an intangible components of computer system
Need of Software-:
  • To start / boot the Computer-: software is required to start the computer. (OperatingSystem)
  • To make the hardware devices function-: software provide an interface to hardware devices.(DeviceDrivers)
  • Computer Performance-: System tools are required to monitor computer performance,debug problem.To perform any specific task i.e. entertainment, documentation etc.
Types of Software-:

(1-) System Software:- 

  • As the name suggest this is a software module which governs the functioning of overall computer system.
  • Designed to control operation and extend processing capabilities of computer system.
  • Without system software user cannot operate computer system easily.
  • These software is developed by experienced programmers.
  • It is costly.
Examples of System Software
  • Operating Systems
  • Programming Language Translator i.e. assembler, compiler and interpreter
  • Utility Programs
  • Communication Software

(2-)Application Software-:

  • Designed to solve a specific problem or to perform specific task.
  • Application software needs some system software to run.
  • They are developed as per the need of the client or user.
Example of Application Software
  • Word Processing Software: MSWord,WordPadetc.
  • Spreadsheet Software: MS Excel,Lotus
  • Customized Software: Banking Software,Library Management System.
  • Presentation Software: MS PowerPoint, iWorkKeynote (Apple)
  • Database Management System: Oracle, DB2, Mongo DB etc.
  • Graphic Software: Corel Draw, Photoshop etc.
MS OFFICE is a software package

Operating Systems-:
  • Operating System is a System Software.
  • It acts as an interface between user and computer hardware.
  • It provided basis to other application software to execute.
  • Also known as Resource Manager.
  • It provides Processor Management, I/O Management, Memory Management as well as File Management.
Ex:Windows10, XP ,Linux, UNIX, Macintosh, MSDOS etc

operating system
img credit: google images

Classification of OS
On the basis of User Interface:-
  • GUI-: Graphical User Interface
  • CLI-: Command Line Interpreter
On the basis of capabilities:-
  • Multiprogramming
  • Multitasking
  • Multiprocessing
  • Real Time Operating System
Programming Language Translator-:
  • Assembler-: Converts assembly language into machine language.
  • Compiler-: Converts High-Level Language into Machine Language at once.
  • Interpreter-: Converts High-Level Language into Machine Language line by line.
Utility Programs-:
These are the software which are developed to manage  / maintain and to provide long life to the computer system.
  • Antivirus
  • Disk-Cleanup
  • Disk-Defragmentation
  • Compression Program
  • Software available on ROM chip are know as Firmware.
  • Embedded Systems consist of firmware.


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